Temporary Employment Services Guide - Free Temporary Employment Service Tips

temporary employment services

Temporary employment services advice from an expert - This guide provides free temporary employment service tips and information to help organizations make the right decisions about temp recruitment and management.

The tough truth about today's business world is that organizations are passionate about cost reduction methods. And the reason is obvious.

Every business oriented person knows that every dollar you take out from the cost side of the business goes straight to the profit side of the business.

Therefore, one simple way to increase a company's profitability is to employ effective cost reduction strategies. One such popular cost reduction strategy is outsourcing. Another is use of temporary employees.

That is where temporary employment services come into the picture.

Outsourcing is the process of engaging another organization to manage certain operations or tasks for you or your organization because they have core competence in that area. And since that is their area of specialization, they offer cost savings for the contracting business because they execute the task or operation at a fairly cheaper cost than the contracting organization.

In the case of employee outsourcing, organizations engage a specialist organization to manage a specific aspect of its operation or certain tasks within an operation. The employees brought in by the specialist company remain their employees even though they work at the facilities of contracting organization.

With respect to temporary employment services, the organization that need temporary employees or temps start by categorizing jobs within their organization. Jobs within the organization are categorized into permanent and temp jobs. Thereafter the human resources (HR) department proceeds to recruit temps for positions categorized as such.

Forward looking organizations have even taken the procedure a step further. They hire a temporary employment services provider to handle all issues related to temporary employment and then put in place controls to ensure that the service provider delivers on the service promise.

What are the advantages of outsourcing temp jobs?

Organizations get three key benefits:

First, outsourcing saves them the resources allocated to managing temporary staff within the organization.

Second, since temporary staff are for non-core activities, they hire them only when they need them. That means they pay for their services only when they really need to use their services.

This is cost saving compared to hiring full time employees who will have fixed pay and other benefits whether they are fully engaged throughout the entire month or not.

Third, temporary employees can be replaced at short notice because the employee works for the recruitment agency and not for the organization where they actually perform their duties. So if the client organization is not satisfied with a particular employee, the employment agency simply deploys someone else to do the job.

There are three key things to remember when outsourcing and categorizing jobs:

1. Do not outsource core business activities e.g. do not outsource your CEO

2. Do not use temps for core business operations

3. Establish appropriate management controls to ensure the service provider delivers the service commitment otherwise the quality of your products or services may be adversely affected. And you may lose part of your business to competition.

P.S: The book, "How To Build A Billion Naira Business With Small Capital - The Secrets of The Rich Exposed!", devotes an entire chapter to outsourcing and several more chapters to cost and profit optimization techniques. Click HERE to learn more.

P.P.S: Job seekers . . . post your resume in the free resume database so employers who need your services can find you.

P.P.P.S: Post or find job opportunities by country, profession, or industry.

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